Privacy Policy completely respects the privacy of its users. As you have already seen, the site doesn’t ask for the users to register or sign in before commenting. We have created a privacy policy to show how accountable we are when it comes to collecting personal information online and providing particular details on data collection, use, storage, and sharing in addition to disclosure practices. The policy informs you of specific rights and decisions you can make concerning personally identifiable data we hold about you. Carefully go through this policy. By using this site, you consent by law to our data processing practices. We also understand that some of our visitors are young kids and for this matter, we make try to offer information that is safe for kids. We are also committed to safeguarding children’s privacy as they browse our site.

Changes to our Privacy Policy.

Our information collection methods are subject to changes at any time. Check this page regularly to be aware of the updates because they apply to personal data we have about you.

Our information collection methods

We don’t gather personal information autonomously from our visitors. Here are the ways in which we collect non-personal information.

  • Automated information: when you visit, the server automatically records particular non-personal data e.g. your IP address, type of your computer device, type of browser, browser version, extensions, your language preference, HTTP referrer that linked you to our site, and cookie data. This is not user-specific information because it doesn’t tell your actual identity. If we need to ask for your unique identity, we must request your consent first.
  • Cookies
  • Page gaps
  • Web beacons

How we use information.

As mentioned above, we don’t collect personally identifiable data without the user’s permission. However, if you choose to create an account with us, register for clubs, contact us directly, or submit comments, we will hold your personally identifiable data. Such details include your name, phone number, age, email address, home address, gender, hobbies, etc. We use your personal information only to create or manage your account as well as offering any product or service you may require from us. With regards to the non-personal information, we use it to review the usage of our site so we can optimize the content and design, to maintain safety and integrity, and to assess the efficacy of our content. We never use the kid’s personal information without consent from their parents or guardians. Lastly, we don’t combine non-personal data with personally identifiable data.


Our site depends on your consent if we need to use your personal information. This means you can withdraw your consent whenever you want.

Third parties

We treat all the information we collect with the utmost confidentiality. Under no circumstance do we disseminate, share, or disclose your data to third parties outside of without your permission. In the case of a minor, we would need a parent’s consent. We only disclose information that is required by law and in compliance with legal obligations like tax reporting and accounting in our legit interests to potential investors, sponsors, advertisers, service providers, and business partners. Our suppliers and providers must concur to safeguard your personal data and only to use it for the specified purpose.

Our site uses cookies

There are harmless text files which we place on your browser’s cookie files to recognize your device. They don’t install or control any program on your computer; neither do they collect personal information. We use 3 types of cookies: session, persistent, and third-party cookies. Session cookies apply to your browsing session on our site. They disappear as soon as you exit our site. Session cookies remind us of the actions you like taking after visiting Persistent cookies stay on your browser for a long time so they can remind us of your preferences across our site. We use persistent cookies to suggest content which might be of interest to you. Finally, third-party cookies are from third-party services such as affiliate advertisers.

Note that you have the right to control these cookies by tweaking your browser settings. You can block, accept, or delete them. When you block or delete cookies from our website, your preferences will not be saved and you will not be able to use particular sections of the site.

Our promise

We have put in place the correct organizational and technical measures to uphold integrity and ensure the security of your personal data. It is our responsibility to protect it from infringements it might be exposed to during data processing like alterations, illegal destructions, loss, accidental misuse, etc. That is why we use the SSL technology to encrypt personal information which has been submitted through our site. We have internal policies that reduce the risks involved in processing personal information. In case your data is breached, we will notify you as soon as possible and give an explanation for the infringement. We will also give you contact details of our data security officer and explain to you the possible outcomes of the breach.

For any questions concerning this Privacy Policy, please send us an email at

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